Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome and hello!

Good day to everyone. Hi and welcome to the official blog of Letitia's cell sem2 2008, also known as, the Joshua 1:9 bunch. Alright, this is how the blog works. Weekly announcements will be posted here, on this blog, weakly. Wait, did I just used that word? Anyway, like I said, weekly announcements. So, come and check it out frequently to be updated on what will be happening this coming cell on Fridays alright? Feel free to use the chatbox on the right to put up things that you want to say, like, "the food last week was great, let's cook that again...", or ".....I like this cell" also can. More things will be added to this blog, so ,stay tuned ya. Thanks again. See all of you soon this Friday. God bless.


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