Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BOO ! =P

Heylo !! Ni Hao !!

if u havent already read the modern version of Psalm 23 an edition by jim....pls scroll down.

if u havent already met our newest and youngest addition to this family, our boy named Ramchandra...pls scroll down.

if u havent been updated with cell details for this week, pls dont scroll down. read on. ok. im getting lame. haha. ANYWAYS..

last week was awesome eh! the sleepover... zionlympics.... movies (go and watch Taken!!).. AWESOME! of course, it's the company (YOU!) that makes it so fun because the joshua-one-nine-bunch are a bunch of oh-so-cool-and-exciting people RIGHT? =P well, guess what. it doesnt stop there. there's infact MORE things in plan coming up (cell outings, 40hr famine, MERDEKA, Search for a STAR, MAximum impact, Baptism etc etc) im struggling to keep up but one thing i know for sure, they're gonna be FUN and EXCITING so dont miss out!! try use all ur available time now (if uve even got any ahah) to be discipline & study so that when we have outings or events, you wont have to miss out on any!! =) yeaps, that applies a lot to me. study ahh!! i was thinking of having a study grp actually! anyone interested? hehe

this week ! cell details as follow:
Time = 730pm
Venue = Rachel's/Michelle's house
Refreshment theme =
MALAYSIAN FOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD MERDEKA!! (yeaps, u ever so patriotic malaysians, rmbr to sing with passion the national athem this sunday 31.08.08 ok!!)

i think i'll make curry and prata. is that malaysian or indian food? ANYWAYS, pls let us know what u'll be bringing this fri okie? someone make laksaaaaa, kolo meeeee, char kueh tiawwwwww, sataaayyyyy, TEH C PENG. =P

  • Sarawak Laksa = Rach
  • Curry and prata = Let
  • Nasi briyani/lemak = Jim
  • Pisang Goreng = Lester

okie dokies! cya all ON TIME this fri! come excited !!

the one and only,
yours truly,
TISHA. haha.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Ramchandra, born on the 6th of March 1999 is from India and he needs help. He lives in a community with his parents and 3 brothers and 1 sister, where 70% of the population live below the poverty line. Much of the land in the area is unsuitable for farming and many of his people are unskilled. General health health is poor and water and food are scarce so many of the people suffer disease. Children in the community have little or no education since they cannot afford it.

But all this can change...

Through World Vision, we can make a difference in his life and the life of the community by sponsoring him. We can do this by making a commitment as a cell group to contribute AUD$49 a month to provide nutrition and health programs for children, education and much more. 

Be a part in being a blessing. And playing a part in changing a child's future for the better.

Matthew 25 verses 35 - 40:

35For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you brought Me together with yourselves and welcomed and entertained and lodged Me,

    36I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me with help and ministering care, I was in prison and you came to see Me.

    37Then the just and upright will answer Him, Lord, when did we see You hungry and gave You food, or thirsty and gave You something to drink?

    38And when did we see You a stranger and welcomed and entertained You, or naked and clothed You?

    39And when did we see You sick or in prison and came to visit You?

    40And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least [in the estimation of men] of these My brethren, you did it for Me.

Come let us know if you want to be a blessing =) God bless the rest of your week!

In God's love and mine,


Exams, tests, mid-terms...

Hi everyone. How are you? How is everyone coping? Tests and assignments coming up? Don't worry, I have something for you guys. I read this and it's interesting. Haha, here it is.. (and no, it's not something lame that I came out k..)

Psalms 23 (the modern version)

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not flunk
He keepeth me from lying down when I should be studying
He leadeth me beside "Easy Way" for a study break
He restores my faith in study guides
He leads me to better study habits
For my grades' sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of bordeline grades
I will not have a nervous breakdown
For thou art with me
My prayers and my friends, they comfort me
Thou givest me the answer in moments of blankness
Thou anointest my head with understandging
My test papers runneth over with questions I recognise
Surely passing grades and flying colours shall follow me
All the days of my examinations
And I shall not have to dwell in this exam hall forever

Alright, now, relax and take it easy ya. Have a blessed week.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rainbow ( UPDATED : pls scroll down, note change of venue and time =) )

Hey guys AND GIRLS! =P

Last week's cell was so awesome and it was only possible because of everyone so great job guys! As good as last week was, this week is so gonna be better!!! Just as the title reads, this week's theme is rainbow! Just as each colour of the rainbow comes together to form a beautiful natural phenomenon that brightens up the sky after a day of gloom and rain, each and every single one of us come together as one to form Christ's beautiful bride, His church! (Remember what we learnt last week during cell?) So let us come this week dressed up as a colour of the rainbow and brighten up each others' lives after a long week of uni and studying! Also, throughout the week we can be rainbows to other people. Take this as an opportunity to put our cell vision into action, step out! =)

So for this week's refreshments, everyone choose a colour and we shall dress and cook according to it! (BTW if you could post up the type of dish you're bringing, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!)

Red - Syok Yin
Orange -
Yellow -
Green -
Blue -
Indigo -
Purple -

Awesome! So we shall see each other this fri 6pm (let's all make an effort to come early and fellowship ya since I'm sure everyone's so excited for cell right? =) ) at Rebekah's/Evon's house at 15s/9 Parker St, South Perth! Have a good week and I'll see all you colourful people soon!

ALSO not forgetting..... ZIONLYMPICS !! what is tht? it's a cell vs cell telematch/tug of war !!!!! (seriously, they dont know who they'll be competing against man..hah!) there'll be lots of fun-filled games where each team will challenge one another. dont miss out on this one okieeee!!! yeaps, we'll be combining with 3 other cells (curtin/ecu/murdoch side included) and our team is representing................................................................................................................. SRI LANKA!!!! ahahah. yes, we are suppose to dress up accordingly as well (lol) so i'll come back with more updates on this. =) more details as follow:

  • when? THIS sat 23/08/08
  • time? 9am
  • where? Kent STreet Senior High, East Vic Park

AFTER the cell games, there'll also be other sports games like basketball, soccer and badminton !! for this one, u'll need to form a team urself. so if ure interested and u believe u are a soccer star, why hesitate, just sign up and form ur team NOW! let me know if ure interested alrighty? cuz i believe some ppl have already signed up and still looking for more to join their teams.

AND one last thing....... alrighty GIRLS, here comes the other interesting bit !! we gonna have a GIRL'S NIGHT OUT after cell this fri !! yeaps, we'll be having a sleepover !! it's gonna be so awesome just chilling out, prolly talking all night as cool girls do (yeaps.) or watch movies/dramas etc etc woo!! so bring ur PJs, sleeping bag and all ur girly essentials along for cell if u're staying okie! strictly for girls only. wannabe girls not allowed. =P oh oh and we can cook breakfast together the next day!!! and then go for zionlympics together!! wooo!! cant wait for the weekend to come!!! =)

okies. that's all for now folks. til then.


rach~ & let

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sushi Night!!! (updated : pls scroll down)

Yes, people, this fri will be sushi night!!! we will be making the sushi together and you can come up with your own combination eg chicken sushi or with cucumber or egg or anything you want.

Here's a list of ingredients that all of us can chip in and bring on fri:

Seaweed - Jim
Rice + vinegar - Michelle
Teriyaki chicken - Let
Fried egg - Rach~
Sesame seed -
Wasabi + soy sauce - Dominic
Crabstick + jap mayo - Shok Yin
Tuna + cucumber - Rebekah

If you guys have any other suggestions, just give a shout out okies? Is it okay for you guys to post what you're bringing in the chat box so that we know who's bringing what and who has to bring other things? And could all of you who have sushi mats just post that up too? Thanks!

Sushi mats - Let (2)

Also, we're gonna be trying to make some other japanese thing. Some sorta rice cake called onigiri! The ingredients will be similar to the sushi so just bring a little extra okies? I even found a little picture teaching how to make them which is below this one haha! It's too small though but we'll try it out together!!!

EXCITING EXCITINGGGG!!!! cant wait for celllll !!!

AND, because we LOVE our zone soooo dearly, we'll bless the whole zone together as a cell this weekend ! =) we'll be baking cupcakes during refreshment in cell for service the following day! so while the zone always does the usual UWA thing (i.e. standing, waiting, talking in/outside the hall after service), we can bless them with food (and of course our love as well ahah) ! yeaps, we can bake a variety of different flavoured cupcakes! yay! so excitinggg!! oh and if u have any other ideas in mind, just say yah.. =)

okies, CELL DETAILS (sorry for the latenessssss!!!! apologies!)

  • time=630pm (ok with everyone? pls rsvp in the chat box)
  • venue=Rachel/Michelle's house
  • transport rsvp to Shok Yin by Thurs night pls =)
  • Games = Michelle
  • Worship =Jim
  • Word = Let
  • Refreshment = everyone! =)

Alright, see you all on fri! Enjoy the rest of the week and God bless!!! =)

and let

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sharing is Caring! =)

hey my lovely cell members!

how's everybody doing? it's the 3rd week of uni already so i hope all of you guys are getting out of the holiday mood and into uni mode (tho i'm still trying to switch over =P) anyway... tis fri we were thinking of coming together and making finger food for sat service as a blessing to the whole uwa zone! after all, we are blessed to bless others, amen? so ya, all you awesome cooks and chefs out there, start posting up any suggestions you might have for this and let us all have fun cooking and making stuff together on fri as a cell! examples of finger food could be sushi, pastry, cupcakes or anything that doesn't require plates and cutlery so let's get thinking! God bless and looking forward to seeing you all on fri! =)


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Badminton anyone?

Hey guys! How has the week been? Anyway, friday's coming in a few hours and we can all meet up again for cell so hang in there! Also coming up is the 2008 Beijing Olympics!!! Instead of just lounging on the couch watching athletes play sport, why not join in the fun yourselves? Jeremy Low has booked 2 badminton courts at the recreation centre on Sunday from 6-7pm so whoever's interested, just give a shout out in the chat box or come tell me tml, okies? i'll c u guys tml. come excited! God bless =)
Lotsa love,


is it ok if we start cell at 630pm instead? so we can watch together at 8. heh. pls rsvp yah. =)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


yooooo!!!!!!!!! okie, this is my first time blogging so hopefully it'll come out good ! hah.

yes, new cell, new blog, new semester of work, studies and neverending commitments...AND we are going to start afresh !! looking forward to working with all you cool, beautiful, lovely, amazing, magnificient, pretty (& *cough cough* good looking) bunch !! SO. it's gonna be a GREAT, FUN and EXCITING semester and we are all going to at least do something we've never done before this semester amen?! we will be doing and giving our personal best this semester! (suaning ppl does not count btw)

here's the updates for cell this fri !

Venue = Rachel/Michelle's house, Time = 730pm, Transport rsvp to Shok Yin

Gamemaster = Dominic
Worship = Jim
Word = Let
This week's theme is inspiration! So whatever food that suddenly pops into your head when you're trying hard to decide what to cook, just go crazy and try it out! eg Dominic and his enthusiasm to cook spaghetti this week. So let's get excited and inspired to bless, share (and show off your cooking skills JK!) this week! =)

MORE updates!

1. we will be sponsoring a child as a cell this semester. more details from Jim when he gets it all settled. but why? because we are a generation who will BE the GOOD NEWS, we will share His abundant love that we already have with the needy, and putting what we've learnt into action. [ Matt 25:34-40 "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?" " Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." ]

2. cell directory !! whats it for? so all we cool people can stay connected! =) most of you have done it but we forgot to add in an important column = BIRTHDATES!! yeaps, pls get back to Rebekah regarding tht so we can all remind you of how YOUNG you are on that day. =p

3. anyone else going for CAM (Creative Arts Ministries) vision day? THIS sunday 1.10pm. very interesting workshop. it's Michael Battersby c'mon! ahah. if u love music, singing, being dramatic (uh-huh), dancing, anything to do with media...just come and i assure u that u will not leave that place "empty". dont miss out !! you could be the next Brooke Fraser!!! come and discover that talent in you!!! pls rsvp to me. yeaps yeaps yeaps!!

cools !

thats all folks!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome and hello!

Good day to everyone. Hi and welcome to the official blog of Letitia's cell sem2 2008, also known as, the Joshua 1:9 bunch. Alright, this is how the blog works. Weekly announcements will be posted here, on this blog, weakly. Wait, did I just used that word? Anyway, like I said, weekly announcements. So, come and check it out frequently to be updated on what will be happening this coming cell on Fridays alright? Feel free to use the chatbox on the right to put up things that you want to say, like, "the food last week was great, let's cook that again...", or ".....I like this cell" also can. More things will be added to this blog, so ,stay tuned ya. Thanks again. See all of you soon this Friday. God bless.
